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composer, arranger, sound designer, musician, teacher

Tomasz Jagoda is a composer, arranger and producer, multi-instrumentalist

musician, Polish Music Publisher specialist for sheet editing and a teacher.

He plays a trombone, piano, accordion, bass trumpet, synthesizers and melodica. He

graduated from the Academy of Music in Łódź and Management Studies

at the Faculty of Warsaw University Management. He also studied Jazz in 2016-

2019. Since 2010 he has been an orchestra musician of Grand Theatre in Łódź

(Opera), and since 2019 he has been arranging for the Big Band of the Music Theater

in Łódź. He collaborated with worldwide artists as a musician, composer and

arranger. Tomasz Jagoda has made many TV and studio recordings, arrangements

and live performances.



HEY & Katarzyna Nosowska, Monika Brodka, Stanisław Soyka,

Marek Dyjak, Natalia Przybysz (SISTARS ), „Męskie Granie 2013”

(Browar Żywiec), Chuck Mangione’s Orchestra, RIAS Youth Orchestra

Berlin, Samokhin Band, Music Academy’ in Łódź Big Band, Płock’s

Symphonic Orchestra, Emitels Brass, TrombonanS Quartet, ZOO Caffe,

Brass Band „Street Brass”, Teatr Nowy w Łodzi, Teatr Arlekin w Łodzi-

„TrotuArt 2011”, Wojciech Lemański (film music composer), Early

Music Ensemble PROAVITUS, Kumpel z Podwórka, RZK Sound, Polish

Music Scene Jerzy Wolniak, Jan Kiepura’s Festival Orchestra,

Dreadsquad, Kasia Malenda, KAT Jazz Trio, Public Relations, Jan

Konop’s Big Band, Hot&Sweet Jazz Band, Polish Music Publisher, Ricky

Lion, Joanna Dark, The Clezmer Band, Music Theatre in Łódź Big Band, Grand Theatre in Łódź (Opera).

Sheet Music
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